My client Magento not working for cronjob from someday, all configuration is good , excuter cron job in liunx cli is good but AOE sechule not found cronjob is working .after long time checki , I found one issus article in internet is told same issue ,
“Well I’ve had a different issue. My cron was simply not working, although cron.php was executed properly. Still no output, and no jobs done.
I’ve checked cron_schedule and noticed that last job there is from 19th of March this year (sic!). So i kept on looking for cause.
Finally I’ve noticed that that there is process running with my cronjob from 19th of March (sic!).
josh 21350 99.6 0.4 350400 133492 ? R Mar19 241812:21 /usr/bin/php /var/www/mysite/cron.php -mdefault
I’ve killed the job with: kill -9 21350
And voila! Suddenly newsletter is being sent!”
So I go to WHM and found this process and killed it , cron job is working