guide: Using special functions Defining a table EXAMPLE WITH FUNCTIONS ADD-ON // If the package weight is lower or equal to 0.5, the price will be 5.30 // If the package weight is lower or equal to 1.0,...
Year: 2017
migration data m1 -> m2 reference
Protected: export cms-page ,block Bmr
etape for export cms exporter table by sequel pro (select cms dans search input et exporter tous) modifier exprote ficher les ficher table cms_block_store, cms_page_store =>store_id (bmr 1=> fr ,2=> en ) (Unimat 3=>en , 4=>fr) exporter url_rewriter table also...
check product status for configurable et simple
select ce.sku,ci.`attribute_id`,ci.value ,ci.store_id from catalog_product_entity as ce inner join catalog_product_entity_int as ci on ce.row_id=ci.row_id where ce.sku in ( '050-3923-MASTER', '050-3880-MASTER', '050-3899-MASTER', '050-3853-MASTER', '050-3914-MASTER', '056-4128-MASTER', '056-4173-MASTER', '056-4182-MASTER', '056-4207-MASTER', '056-4191-MASTER', '060-9069-MASTER', '060-9078-MASTER', '060-9087-MASTER', '060-9096-MASTER', '060-9041-MASTER') and ci.attribute_id=97 UNION all select ce.sku,ci.`attribute_id`,ci.value ,ci.store_id...
How To Create Rest Based Web Api In Magento2
Magento full page caching session problem
FPC will clear all the session be clear and we possible via Magento\Framework\App\Http\Context or via Magento\Customer\Model\Session. However, result may be different: HTTP context is initialized earlier than customer session (but it does not matter since both are initialized in action...
Update Customer Data in Magento2 with custom attribute
protected $_customerRepositoryInterface; public function __construct( \Magento\Framework\App\Action\Context $context, \Magento\Framework\View\Result\PageFactory $resultPageFactory, \Magento\Customer\Api\CustomerRepositoryInterface $customerRepositoryInterface ) { parent::__construct($context); $this->resultPageFactory = $resultPageFactory; $this->_customerRepositoryInterface = customerRepositoryInterface; } Now execute function here reward_barcode is custom attribute: public function execute() { $customerId = 2; if ($customerId) { $customer...
Configurer le serveur SSMTP avec un compte Gmail
Configurer le serveur SSMTP avec un compte Gmail Ayant quelques scripts qui tournent via le Cron de mon serveur j’avais besoin de savoir ce qu’il se passait et surtout de savoir quand ça ne fonctionnait pas comme prévu. Comme je...