Magento2 multiple Magento stores and websites

Set values in an entry point script

If necessary, copy the existing index.php entry point script for your website or store view and add to it the following:

 $params = $_SERVER;
 $params[MagentoStoreModelStoreManager::PARAM_RUN_CODE] = '<code>';
 $params[MagentoStoreModelStoreManager::PARAM_RUN_TYPE] = '{store|website}';
 $bootstrap = MagentoFrameworkAppBootstrap::create(BP, $params);
 $app = $bootstrap->createApplication('MagentoFrameworkAppHttp');

Set values in .htaccess

This section discusses how to set values for MAGE_RUN_TYPE and MAGE_RUN_CODE using Apache server variables SetEnvIf or RewriteCond. If you’re not sure what environment variable to use, consult a network administrator.


SetEnvIf example

Add the following after RewriteEngine on in .htaccess:

SetEnvIf Host .*<your domain>.* MAGE_RUN_CODE=<code>
SetEnvIf Host .*<your domain>.* MAGE_RUN_TYPE={store|website}

For example, to use a website with the code

SetEnvIf Host .**
SetEnvIf Host .** MAGE_RUN_TYPE=website

RewriteCond example

Add code similar to the following after RewriteBase /magento/ in .htaccess:

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(.*)<your domain><domain suffix>
RewriteRule .* – [E=MAGE_RUN_CODE:<code>]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(.*)<your domain><domain suffix>
RewriteRule .* – [E=MAGE_RUN_TYPE:{store|website}]

For example, to use a website with the code

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(.*)
RewriteRule .* – []
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(.*)
RewriteRule .* – [E=MAGE_RUN_TYPE:website]


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