For Magento 1.9 and older 1 UPDATE admin_user SET password = CONCAT(MD5('xxNewPassword'), ':xx') WHERE username = 'ADMINUSERNAME'; For Magento 2: 1 UPDATE admin_user SET password = CONCAT(SHA2('xxxxxxxxNewPassword', 256), ':xxxxxxxx:1') WHERE username = 'ADMINUSERNAME';
Category: magento
magento 1.x Mage_Customlogin_Helper_Data’ not found in …./app/Mage.php on line 546″
I follow the article in Internet , 1.check the config.xml <global> <blocks> <customerlogin> <class>CustomerParadigm_Customerlogin_Block</class> </customerlogin> </blocks> <helpers> <customerParadigm_customerlogin> <class>CustomerParadigm_Customerlogin_Helper</class> </customerParadigm_customerlogin> </helpers> it is ok finally I found the problem from system.xml and remove module="customlogin" it work ! <groups> <general translate="label"...
Getting list of all Manufacturers and corresponding Manufacturer ID
$attribute = Mage::getModel('eav/config')->getAttribute('catalog_product', 'manufacturer'); foreach ( $attribute->getSource()->getAllOptions(true, true) as $option){ $attributeArray] = $option; } foreach($attributeArray as $key=>$val){ echo $val; }
Add Admin menu not sucess issue
Add menu in config.xml but not display in admin menu problem in <adminhtml> <menu> <webfitter_cexport> <title>Custom Export</title> <sort_order>15</sort_order> <children> <export> <title>Export Product</title> <sort_order>1</sort_order> <action>CexportAdmin/export/index</action> </export> </children> </webfitter_cexport> </menu> </adminhtml> ==> you must define <menu> <webfitter_cexport> not !!!!!=> <menu> <admin> <children>...
Msql change product visibility value
SELECT * FROM eav_attribute WHERE attribute_code LIKE 'visibility' // get id the EAV attribute 102 select * from catalog_product_entity_int as cpei where attribute_id = 102 and entity_id in (select entity_id from `catalog_product_entity` where `type_id`= 'simple') and value >1 update...
Magento payment method tuturial
Create a custom layered navigation filter for filtering sale products in Magento
cronjob not working problem
My client Magento not working for cronjob from someday, all configuration is good , excuter cron job in liunx cli is good but AOE sechule not found cronjob is working .after long time checki , I found one issus article...
Magento notification system
Utilizing Magento notification system Building your own Magento modules (extensions) can be a tedious task. We always strive to develop everything ‘the Magento way’, which is why we frequently dig into the core to see how Magento’s Core team does...