FacebookTwitterGoogle+LinkedInPartager In Magento 1, There was one file validation.js. We can add the new validation on that file or also add in our extension .phtml or .js file. In Magento 2, We can add our custom validation in .phtml...
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Magento 2 Grunt watch
Installing and configuring Grunt Magento has built-in Grunt tasks configured, but there are still several prerequisite steps you need to take to be able to use it: Install node.js to any location on your machine. Install Grunt CLI tool globally....
Create a theme Magento 2
Create a theme directory To create the directory for your theme: Go to <your Magento install dir>/app/design/frontend. Create a new directory named according to your vendor name: /app/design/frontend/<Vendor>. Under the vendor directory, create a directory named according to your theme....
Magento 2 static view files deployment
The term static view file refers to the following: “Static” means it can be cached for a site (that is, the file is not dynamically generated). Examples include images and CSS generated from LESS. “View” refers to presentation layer (from...
How To Install and Use Composer on Ubuntu 14.04
Pour installer composer , ouvrez un terminal et tapez les lignes suivantes : curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer.phar alias composer='/usr/local/bin/composer.phar'
Ubuntu Linux: Add a User To Group
Create a group called foo and add user tom to a secondary group called foo: $ sudo groupadd foo $ sudo useradd -G foo tom OR # groupadd foo # useradd -G foo tom Verify new settings: id tom groups...
Introduction to Magento 2 modes
Display the current mode Command usage: magento deploy:mode:show A message similar to the following displays: Current application mode: developer. Change modes Command usage: magento deploy:mode:set {mode} where {mode} is required; it can be either developer or production --skip-compilation is an...
Move WP to Subdirectroy
Also in wp-config.php, make sure to set your WP_HOME and WP_SITEURL variables to the correct URL (subdirectory) you are using It should look like this: $host = 'http://' . $_SERVER . '/blog/'; define('WP_HOME',$host); define('WP_SITEURL',$host);
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